Sunday, September 7, 2014

Chapter 2

After reading Chapter 2 in the textbook, I came up with three concepts that I would like to further explore and reflect on.

"Motivating disengaged individuals." This statement was in the textbook, I found it interesting because it can really be done through technology. Some students may not be motivated to learn with the old fashioned way of learning. For instance, just sitting at a desk listening to a lecture, taking notes, taking quizzes, and tests from the lectures. Technology brings out new ideas and triggers students now a days because they were brought up with some much technology in their lives.

"Allowing access to academic information from multiple sources." This also is something that I believe is so important now a days. I would like to reflect on this statement made in the textbook because it is so true. Students will often get bored doing the same thing over and over again. Changing routine can be good sometimes. For example, if you take turns on how you are teaching your lesson, (overhead, powerpoints, group work, lectures) then your students will be more alert and not bored in class.

"Creating group and cooperative learning situations." Group work has worked so well for me in my past. Getting opinions from fellow classmates, not just your teacher will enhance the learning. Sitting at a desk every day looking at the board and teacher gets old. Creating fun things to do in the classroom while learning at the same time is something that I look forward to doing when I become a teacher.


Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2007). Transforming Learning with new technologies (2nd ed., p. 355). Boston: Pearson.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see this post! :) I would recommend that you label the titles of your blog posts with both the Digital Badge # and the Chapter # as the chapter numbers will not necessarily follow sequence later in the semester and having both will make it less confusing.

    I also like the focus on motivating disengaged individuals - after all, if we can't engage them, we certainly can't expect them to least not in the classroom. Marc Prensky's article, Engage Me or Enrage Me, is worth a read: Your photos are great, but there is no attribution, which is important not only to give credit to the photographer, but also to be sure you are not risking copyright violation. For next blog, I would encourage you to put them in with the text where they are relevant, as well. But you are learning with each post! :)
