Thursday, September 18, 2014

Digital badge #D- Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Digital badge #D

"Academic Content (What to Teach)"
This topic is something that I would like to reflect upon. Every school system is different and has specific guidelines that teachers have to meet throughout the school year. This is something I would like to talk about more because yes each teacher has a guideline of what they need to teach, there is no frame on how it needs to be taught. In today's society there are so many different types of ways to teach a subject, and be creative about it with technology. You can come up with your own creative ways to teach subjects to make it more entertaining for your students and I am looking forward to finding ways to teach boring subject in fun ways!

"Assessing and Evaluating Students" 
There is nothing more rewarding then seeing that your students are comprehending and successfully learning what you are teaching. A lot of preparation and planning goes into teaching lessons as I am learning the more and more I read. I would like to learn and research more about how teachers evaluate students to see what they are being successful with and what they need to work on. This topic is very important because it can determine what you need to change about how you are teaching to help every student become successful.

"Standards-Based Assessments" 
These types of tests are state, national or district wide. They are tests that show if students know what they are expected to know at that specific time of their education process. Many schools that I have been to growing up have been against these standardized tests because the lessons throughout the school year are based on just preparing for these standardized tests. The people that create these tests believe that the tests are testing to see how effect the teachers are on the students. I would like to reflect on this topic more because it is something that plays a huge role in a teachers job, not just a small role. So it will be a huge part of my future job.

This is an image of the "FCAT" which is a huge standardized test that every student has to take throughout their education as a student in Florida. (When I was in school at least.) 

Resources: [Untitled image of FCAT]Retrieved September 18th, 2014.

Woolf, B. (2014). Designing Lessons and Developing Curriculum with Technology. InTransforming Learning with new technologies (Second ed., p. 325). Upper Saddle River.

1 comment:

  1. You selected three solid topics from this chapter...unfortunately, Chap 4 was not the assigned chapter for this module! :( I will give you credit for this one but be sure to follow along the course outline as the chapters skip around based on the module content and also try to better match the assignment. You can make up chapter 7 when 4 is assigned in about a month. :)

    Your comments are well taken and I believe many of your future reflections will in fact lie in some of these areas, especially since lesson planning is a major part of a teacher's daily time. The image is still problematic as you are not using a public domain or Creative Commons licensed photo - just because there's a photo posted on a blog or website somewhere doesn't give you permission to use it. The best way to use an appropriate image is to use the advanced search under Flickr as demonstrated in the video on the Google/Blogger content page in Module 2. Please let me know if you cannot access that or need additional resources.
