Sunday, November 9, 2014

Digital Badge #J

Chapter 11: Digital Badge #J

"Engaging Students in Performance Assessment and Reflective Learning"

The first topic I would like to reflect on in this Chapter will be "Involving Students in Learning and Assessment" This topic really caught my attention because it seems that it is so true. Having students be more involved in having options with learning seems as if they will want to be much more interested in actually learning and being productive with the homework, and the material that they are learning in school. If a student has an option on what type of homework they can do, they may just be that much more motivated to get the work done and learn about it.

"Reasons for teaching with clickers"

Clickers seem to be awesome for students in school. School is all about student involvement. What better way to get students involved is there then using clickers? Listening to the teacher speak can get awfully boring sometimes we all have to admit. Allowing students to engage in the activities seems must more appealing to learn material then just listen to lectures all day. The sound of a "game" rather then the sound of a "lecture" also seems much more appealing then one another! I am looking forward to having my future students engage and be active in my classroom using clickers.

"Preparing for High-Stakes Tests"

I am reflecting on this topic in the Chapter because what would school be without tests? Well awesome of course! But not really realistic. With that being said, preparing for these high stake tests is very important. There are now different ways for students to get prepared for these tests. These tests can be so important, and can determine whether the make it to the next grade, or even graduate High School. It is very important for teachers to help students prepare for these high stake tests.

<div id="fq-brd" data-id="12412"></div>
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>


Woolf, B. (2014). "Engaging Students in Performance Assessment and Reflective Learning"
 InTransforming Learning with new technologies (Second ed., p. 98). Upper Saddle River.

1 comment:

  1. Student involvement in all parts of their learning will definitely increase engagement. Thinking about choice and coming up with ways to differentiate learning will be great springboards for student engagement. Allowing students to determine their own way to express their learning is fantastic. As you mentioned, we are still at the mercy to some degree of the high stakes testing, but you can't really 'teach the test' so think about deeper learning where students develop good critical thinking skills and problem solving skills so they can address a variety of testing situations.

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