Thursday, October 2, 2014

Digital Badge #F (Chapter 8)

Chapter 8 is my favorite Chapter to reflect on so far.


Communication with students and teachers is so very important, and that is why I would life to reflect on this topic first in Chapter 8. If a student is having a problem with an assignment, and a teacher needs to know something from a student, it is nice to have emailing there outside of the classroom as well. There are websites, blogs, wikis, and many more ways for students and teachers to communicate. I prefer email out of all of these options because I believe it is the most efficient. If there is something that is due, and there is no school the next day, emailing your teacher is a good thing to be able to do to get the help you need.

I would like to reflect on this topic because it means a lot to me as a student and as a future teacher. You don't usually wake up one day and say, I think I am going to be a teacher just for the heck of it. No, that really does not happen. Someone that is planning on being a teacher, most likely has the desire to help people, not because of the money, but just because that is the passion they have in their heart, to be a teacher. With that being said, teaching beyond the school day is going to happen to teachers. Having electronic communication between students and teachers plays a big part in this. If your student wants to share ideas or have problems with something you gave them, you will be receiving emails or whatever type of communication you and your students have discussed even after the school day ends.

Coming from me as a student, I need to have lots of feedback from my teachers whether its good or bad feedback. Taking online classes has been a really big challenge for me but I refuse to give up. In Therefore rapid feedback is very important to me to help me be successful with the help of my handwork and my professors. In the textbook it states that rapid feedback benefits both the teacher and the student. I 100% have to agree with this because not only is the student now realizing what he or she is doing right or wrong, but the professor is able to understand what the problem is so it can be fixed. I am looking forward to being able to communicate with my students rapidly just as my current professors are helping me get through these online classes successfully.

This is a picture that I screen shotted on my laptop. It is an example of what a blog is, relevant to a teacher being able to communicate with students via blogs.


  1. Feedback is defiantly a plus between a teacher and student. Student want to know they are on the write track and understanding their work. Communication with teachers outside of school can sometimes be a challenge, but it can be done. I'm a person who enjoys working with others and know I wanted to be a teacher since first grade. Being able to communicate with students on non-school hours is a way to let the students and parents know you really care for their learning and you are able to use your time to work with the student.

    Diana from Coleman's ground class.

  2. Great reflections on all three concepts, but like Diana, I will focus on the feedback element, which is definitely crucial to provide students with important information about their progress (or not?!?). The frequency as well as the quality needs to be considered as you think about how to best way communicate the feedback. Another quality to consider is the timeliness of feedback, which you alluded to...and can be a real time management issue for the teacher. If you remember all the time you put into a particular assignment as a student, you need to multiply that by 25-30 (depending on the class size) for a better idea of the time spent in grading! :)

    You gave credit to your own screenshot (inadvertently within your sentence), but remember you always need to have a Resource section at the end of your post where you add all resources (at a minimum the textbook).
