Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Final: Reflective Post
Final: Reflective Post
Where do I begin? My thoughts on EME2040 are only positive. Taking this class online was a huge challenge for me. Although, many emails throughout the semester my professor was right there by my side to help me get through it. I think that my biggest challenges were the group projects. It was hard for my group to contact one another at the right times when we needed, but somehow we managed to get by! With that being said, surprisingly, I really enjoyed the textbook. "TRANSFORMING LEARNING WITH NEW TECHNOLOGIES." I enjoyed this textbook so much that I caught myself reading Chapters that we were not even assigned to read just because I was that interested.
My favorite discussion that we did in this class was: DISCUSSION TOPIC #4 - TECHNOLOGY ASSISTING ELL STUDENTS.
This discussion was my favorite because I really enjoyed learning all about ELL students. When I observed classrooms this semester, I noticed that there were many ELL students, and I look forward to being able to teach them as well.
My favorite activity in this class has to be doing the blogs. The blogs really made a big impact on me because I have never done them before. I now think that they are really great to use, I was able to reflective on all of my Chapter reading in an organized way, I really look forward to continue to use blogger.com for my future classes and reflections in general.
One of the learning objectives was:
The students will evaluate and critique various software and hardware tools to determine utility in a K-12 setting.
I enjoyed learning all about the different software and hardware tools that k-12 students' use. I am amazed about all of the different types of technology that is created more and more each generation.
I really would not suggest any negativity to my professor to improve this course. My professor attended to me whenever I had a question, no matter what, online class or not. She did a great job. I would just give myself feedback to be more attentive with online classes like this that challenge me!
Above word count: 360
Beverly, W. (2014). TRANSFORMING LEARNING WITH NEW TECHNOLOGY (Second ed., p. 355). Pearson.
[Learning experience picture]. Retrieved from URL (https://www.google.com/search?q=my+overall+experience+was&biw=1280&bih=634&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=EOyIVILAMcOqNu-XgugP&sqi=2&ved=0CAkQ_AUoBA#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=DzoEHuask4t_AM%253A%3BZNXvleppajwKFM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F3.bp.blogspot.com%252F-fA5ZKQyiJvU%252FT9RaipzFKeI%252FAAAAAAAAAEU%252FHoIQKUCZkaY%252Fs1600%252Flearning.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffitodrny-socialperspectives.blogspot.com%252F2012%252F06%252Fmy-overall-learning-experience.html%3B846%3B438)

Thursday, December 4, 2014
The first topic I would like to reflect on in this chapter "Features of a Technology-Integrated Classroom."
I am interested in this topic because really what would teaching be like without all of the technology that we have today? Having DVD Players, interactive whiteboards, digital pens, are all amazing things that teachers have access to use in their classrooms today. Its crazy to do research and look into how much technology has been created compared to decades ago.
Another topic I would like to reflect on in Chapter 12 would be "One to one Laptop Computing." This means that every individual student has their own device in school. I think this is a great thing, although at the same time I am unsure of how I feel about it due to the expenses. There are many many pros to this idea and a few cons that come with it to. 18 million dollars per year is a crazy amount of money to be spent on computers, but I am sure it is worth it for the students.
"Technology and the culture of Schools" is the last topic that I am going to reflect on with this Chapter. I think that is is sad that there are real statistics due to different cultures and their learning. I don't think that some of the stats are completely fair, although I am sure they are right. Having a specific culture should not really effect a student's learning. The technology being used in schools does have an impact on everyone in different ways.
Woolf, B. (2014). "Integrating Technology and Creating Change as a Teacher. InTransforming Learning with new technologies (Second ed., p. 98). Upper Saddle River.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Digital Badge #K
Chapter 6
Interactive Videoconferencing
"Videoconferencing is a powerful learning technology that offers real-time access to people and places that students are unable to visit." I think this interactive videoconferencing is awesome because it gives students a different way to learn and interact with others. Sitting in a classroom all day can get boring and can cause loss of interest to students after a long period of time. I am reflecting on this topic because it is a great opportunity for a different type of learning.
Online Learning and Virtual Schools
I don't know where I should begin with my reflection on this topic in Chapter 6 because I am all for Online Learning. I think there are SO many positive things to say about it. One of the main reasons why I believe that online education is awesome is because it gives you the opportunity to have much more flexibility with your daily life. It is hard to be a full time student, sometimes a Mother, a full time employee, and to be able to go onto a campus full time as well. With that being said. being able to learn everything you need to know through a computer, makes your life so much easier. At the same time, there are a few disadvantages. One of the disadvantages that I am currently facing with my online schooling is not being able to get direct instructions from my professor in the classroom. Of course my professors do a great job with instructions through the internet, but sometimes I do have trouble understanding without an explanation in front of me.
Using Educational Websites and Apps Interactively
I think that Educational apps and websites are awesome and extremely beneficial from my own personal experiences with them. After a nice lesson from a professor in class, it is great that there are more resources for students to use like these apps to get a better understanding from different point of views and perspectives. Being able to interact on these apps using examples with problems that are being learned gives more opportunities to be successful.
Woolf, B. (2014). "FOSTERING ONLINE LEARNING WITH EDUCATIONAL WEBSITES AND APPS. InTransforming Learning with new technologies (Second ed., p. 98). Upper Saddle River.
Interactive Videoconferencing
"Videoconferencing is a powerful learning technology that offers real-time access to people and places that students are unable to visit." I think this interactive videoconferencing is awesome because it gives students a different way to learn and interact with others. Sitting in a classroom all day can get boring and can cause loss of interest to students after a long period of time. I am reflecting on this topic because it is a great opportunity for a different type of learning.
Online Learning and Virtual Schools
I don't know where I should begin with my reflection on this topic in Chapter 6 because I am all for Online Learning. I think there are SO many positive things to say about it. One of the main reasons why I believe that online education is awesome is because it gives you the opportunity to have much more flexibility with your daily life. It is hard to be a full time student, sometimes a Mother, a full time employee, and to be able to go onto a campus full time as well. With that being said. being able to learn everything you need to know through a computer, makes your life so much easier. At the same time, there are a few disadvantages. One of the disadvantages that I am currently facing with my online schooling is not being able to get direct instructions from my professor in the classroom. Of course my professors do a great job with instructions through the internet, but sometimes I do have trouble understanding without an explanation in front of me.
Using Educational Websites and Apps Interactively
I think that Educational apps and websites are awesome and extremely beneficial from my own personal experiences with them. After a nice lesson from a professor in class, it is great that there are more resources for students to use like these apps to get a better understanding from different point of views and perspectives. Being able to interact on these apps using examples with problems that are being learned gives more opportunities to be successful.
Woolf, B. (2014). "FOSTERING ONLINE LEARNING WITH EDUCATIONAL WEBSITES AND APPS. InTransforming Learning with new technologies (Second ed., p. 98). Upper Saddle River.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Digital Badge #J
Chapter 11: Digital Badge #J
"Engaging Students in Performance Assessment and Reflective Learning"
The first topic I would like to reflect on in this Chapter will be "Involving Students in Learning and Assessment" This topic really caught my attention because it seems that it is so true. Having students be more involved in having options with learning seems as if they will want to be much more interested in actually learning and being productive with the homework, and the material that they are learning in school. If a student has an option on what type of homework they can do, they may just be that much more motivated to get the work done and learn about it.
"Reasons for teaching with clickers"
Clickers seem to be awesome for students in school. School is all about student involvement. What better way to get students involved is there then using clickers? Listening to the teacher speak can get awfully boring sometimes we all have to admit. Allowing students to engage in the activities seems must more appealing to learn material then just listen to lectures all day. The sound of a "game" rather then the sound of a "lecture" also seems much more appealing then one another! I am looking forward to having my future students engage and be active in my classroom using clickers.
"Preparing for High-Stakes Tests"
I am reflecting on this topic in the Chapter because what would school be without tests? Well awesome of course! But not really realistic. With that being said, preparing for these high stake tests is very important. There are now different ways for students to get prepared for these tests. These tests can be so important, and can determine whether the make it to the next grade, or even graduate High School. It is very important for teachers to help students prepare for these high stake tests.
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"Engaging Students in Performance Assessment and Reflective Learning"
The first topic I would like to reflect on in this Chapter will be "Involving Students in Learning and Assessment" This topic really caught my attention because it seems that it is so true. Having students be more involved in having options with learning seems as if they will want to be much more interested in actually learning and being productive with the homework, and the material that they are learning in school. If a student has an option on what type of homework they can do, they may just be that much more motivated to get the work done and learn about it.
"Reasons for teaching with clickers"
Clickers seem to be awesome for students in school. School is all about student involvement. What better way to get students involved is there then using clickers? Listening to the teacher speak can get awfully boring sometimes we all have to admit. Allowing students to engage in the activities seems must more appealing to learn material then just listen to lectures all day. The sound of a "game" rather then the sound of a "lecture" also seems much more appealing then one another! I am looking forward to having my future students engage and be active in my classroom using clickers.
"Preparing for High-Stakes Tests"
I am reflecting on this topic in the Chapter because what would school be without tests? Well awesome of course! But not really realistic. With that being said, preparing for these high stake tests is very important. There are now different ways for students to get prepared for these tests. These tests can be so important, and can determine whether the make it to the next grade, or even graduate High School. It is very important for teachers to help students prepare for these high stake tests.
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Woolf, B. (2014). "Engaging Students in Performance Assessment and Reflective Learning"
InTransforming Learning with new technologies (Second ed., p. 98). Upper Saddle River.
InTransforming Learning with new technologies (Second ed., p. 98). Upper Saddle River.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Designing Lessons and Developing Curriculum with Technology
Chapter 4 Digital Badge #I
"Learning Assessments (Knowing what students have learned)
I am reflecting on this section of the Chapter because I believe that learning assessments will be very beneficial for me and my future students. As a current student, it is very important for me to know my current grades, along with my progress in all of my classes, so I know what I need to work on and try harder on to be successful. As a future teacher, I know that learning assessments will be very beneficial for me because I will be able to see how my students are doing. There are many different options for a learning assessment for your students. I want me students to be successful, so I will do everything I can to keep up with their progress.
"Using Electronic software"
What would education be without electronics these days? Electronic grading software is a virtual record keeping system. I am looking forward to being able to use electronic grading software as a teacher because it will make my work quicker and my students will have their grades accurately and much quicker then if I did not have this system to use for calculating grades. Although being an Elementary teacher, not all of the work I will provide will be graded with letter grades. Teachers are able to create their own grading system for the particular assignment that is given, and are able to put that into the software so it is great for what you need at that specific time and for each specific assignment.
"Meeting Educational Standards"
I am reflecting on this topic in the chapter because meeting educational standards is a significant part of my just as a future teacher. Each grade level has specific guide lines that are needed to go by in order to get the material out that is needed for that grade level, not just anything can be taught. When reality is thought about, there are so many things that is needed to know. So, with that being said, decisions need to be made on what to take out, and what to leave in your teaching in the classroom. It it is up to the teacher on what to do with that situation. I am looking forward to being creative and choosing what I will believe is the best in the curriculum that needs to be taught.
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Chapter 4 Digital Badge #I
"Learning Assessments (Knowing what students have learned)
I am reflecting on this section of the Chapter because I believe that learning assessments will be very beneficial for me and my future students. As a current student, it is very important for me to know my current grades, along with my progress in all of my classes, so I know what I need to work on and try harder on to be successful. As a future teacher, I know that learning assessments will be very beneficial for me because I will be able to see how my students are doing. There are many different options for a learning assessment for your students. I want me students to be successful, so I will do everything I can to keep up with their progress.
"Using Electronic software"
What would education be without electronics these days? Electronic grading software is a virtual record keeping system. I am looking forward to being able to use electronic grading software as a teacher because it will make my work quicker and my students will have their grades accurately and much quicker then if I did not have this system to use for calculating grades. Although being an Elementary teacher, not all of the work I will provide will be graded with letter grades. Teachers are able to create their own grading system for the particular assignment that is given, and are able to put that into the software so it is great for what you need at that specific time and for each specific assignment.
"Meeting Educational Standards"
I am reflecting on this topic in the chapter because meeting educational standards is a significant part of my just as a future teacher. Each grade level has specific guide lines that are needed to go by in order to get the material out that is needed for that grade level, not just anything can be taught. When reality is thought about, there are so many things that is needed to know. So, with that being said, decisions need to be made on what to take out, and what to leave in your teaching in the classroom. It it is up to the teacher on what to do with that situation. I am looking forward to being creative and choosing what I will believe is the best in the curriculum that needs to be taught.
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Woolf, B. (2014). Designing Lessons and developing curriculum with technology. InTransforming Learning with new technologies (Second ed., p. 98). Upper Saddle River.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Digital Badge #H
Chapter 9
"Multimedia Technologies in Schools Today"
I am reflecting on this topic because I think that having multimedia technologies in schools today is very beneficial for students in today's society. Multi means more then one, so multimedia is bringing more then one type of media together as one. Power points are great examples of multimedia technology. In powerpoint presentation there are different things all being shown on one slide. Pictures, text, diagrams, you can even add sounds to a powerpoint along with animation as well. Single mode teaching is not as good as multimedia teaching in schools. I am looking forward to being able to create power points in my classroom as a teacher and creating fun things to make learning more fun!
"Strategies for using powerpoint with students"
I am interested in reflecting on this topic because it has much relation to the topic i reflected on above this one. I am looking forward to creating power points for my students, but before doing all of that, I need to learn exactly how powerpoint works. There are different strategies that have to be done to draw attention to the correct information. For instance, a powerpoint slide with many small words on it in a very dull color will not attract a students eye. I am looking forwards to reading about these strategies in the text and actually be able to use them for mine and my students' benefit.
"Digital Storytelling"
Digital storytelling is awesome to be able to have in the classrooms. Reading a book is not always something that is going to be on a students priority list of interests. With that being said, there are so many things with today's technology that have been created to help solve this problem. There are things called iMovie, moviemaker, etc, that have visual affects while telling a story. These things make it so much more appealing to a student trying to read.
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"Multimedia Technologies in Schools Today"
I am reflecting on this topic because I think that having multimedia technologies in schools today is very beneficial for students in today's society. Multi means more then one, so multimedia is bringing more then one type of media together as one. Power points are great examples of multimedia technology. In powerpoint presentation there are different things all being shown on one slide. Pictures, text, diagrams, you can even add sounds to a powerpoint along with animation as well. Single mode teaching is not as good as multimedia teaching in schools. I am looking forward to being able to create power points in my classroom as a teacher and creating fun things to make learning more fun!
"Strategies for using powerpoint with students"
I am interested in reflecting on this topic because it has much relation to the topic i reflected on above this one. I am looking forward to creating power points for my students, but before doing all of that, I need to learn exactly how powerpoint works. There are different strategies that have to be done to draw attention to the correct information. For instance, a powerpoint slide with many small words on it in a very dull color will not attract a students eye. I am looking forwards to reading about these strategies in the text and actually be able to use them for mine and my students' benefit.
"Digital Storytelling"
Digital storytelling is awesome to be able to have in the classrooms. Reading a book is not always something that is going to be on a students priority list of interests. With that being said, there are so many things with today's technology that have been created to help solve this problem. There are things called iMovie, moviemaker, etc, that have visual affects while telling a story. These things make it so much more appealing to a student trying to read.
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Woolf, B. (2014). Expressing creativity with multimedia technologies. InTransforming Learning with new technologies (Second ed., p. 98). Upper Saddle River.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Digital Badge #G CHAPTER 10
Chapter 10
"Electronic Spellers and dictionaries"
Electronic spellers and dictionaries is one of the most creative things that I have learned about yet in my opinion. These things are good for so many different things. You are able to plug headphones into the machine so you aren't disturbing others while learning. All ages have access to these machines.
Students that have seeing problems can use them, because the machine is all through hearing. A student that is trying to learn a different language can use it for great help as well. I am reflecting on this topic in chapter 10 because it is one of the things that is used in classrooms that I believe is extremely beneficial for students AND teachers.
Handheld calculators
What would life be like in school without a calculator? Calculators can be used for simple math problems, or complicated ones that have to do with graphing, they even have calculators now a days that make graphs for you. We don't realize that calculators can be beneficial to everyone sometimes, even children with learning disabilities. For instance, there are calculators that do the number operations for you, so you don't have to remember what has to be put into the calculator first.
Interactive electronic storybooks
These interactive storybooks seem great and I can't wait until I am a teacher and can share these with my students. They not only have them on CDs, but you can download apps on tablets and smartphones. Students are more interested in technology these days, so I think that reading a story on a tablet or a computer, will draw much more interest then picking up a book and reading. These apps are so awesome because not only do they read aloud to you, they have visuals along with the stories. I am reflecting on this topic in the chapter because I will be interested in downloading an app like this so I can learn more about them.
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Resources: Woolf, B. (2014). Promoting Success for all students through technology. InTransforming Learning with new technologies (Second ed., p. 98). Upper Saddle River.
"Electronic Spellers and dictionaries"
Electronic spellers and dictionaries is one of the most creative things that I have learned about yet in my opinion. These things are good for so many different things. You are able to plug headphones into the machine so you aren't disturbing others while learning. All ages have access to these machines.
Students that have seeing problems can use them, because the machine is all through hearing. A student that is trying to learn a different language can use it for great help as well. I am reflecting on this topic in chapter 10 because it is one of the things that is used in classrooms that I believe is extremely beneficial for students AND teachers.
Handheld calculators
What would life be like in school without a calculator? Calculators can be used for simple math problems, or complicated ones that have to do with graphing, they even have calculators now a days that make graphs for you. We don't realize that calculators can be beneficial to everyone sometimes, even children with learning disabilities. For instance, there are calculators that do the number operations for you, so you don't have to remember what has to be put into the calculator first.
Interactive electronic storybooks
These interactive storybooks seem great and I can't wait until I am a teacher and can share these with my students. They not only have them on CDs, but you can download apps on tablets and smartphones. Students are more interested in technology these days, so I think that reading a story on a tablet or a computer, will draw much more interest then picking up a book and reading. These apps are so awesome because not only do they read aloud to you, they have visuals along with the stories. I am reflecting on this topic in the chapter because I will be interested in downloading an app like this so I can learn more about them.
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Resources: Woolf, B. (2014). Promoting Success for all students through technology. InTransforming Learning with new technologies (Second ed., p. 98). Upper Saddle River.
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